Saturday, December 24, 2011

Are you ready?

The season is upon us....ARE YOU READY?  This question pops in my mind daily and to be honest...I am not. Just look I haven't left a blog in aaaahhhhh almost a month.  Letting all the "stuff" consume me.  I along with so many forget what this season is supposed to be about.  We just got through Thanksgiving...I don't think that I could ever think God for what he has given me.  Am I truly ready...ready to see the maker...the one who has ensured that I WILL have a worry free life ahead! Let's remember 1 Peter 3:22  Who is gone into heaven; and is on the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. KJV  /Jesus has the last word on everything and everyone, from angels to armies. Message.  So here it is I listed both because no matter how you means the same.  God has blessed me with an amazing husband, 3 amazing children, fantastic family, and wonderful friends.  Life isn't perfect and it NEVER will be...the quicker you get that, the better off you will be.  There is only 1 step you need to take...ACCEPT HIM INTO YOUR LIFE.  In the summer of 2002, I accepted Jesus as my savior.  I was raised to believe and although I wasn't in church every time the door was open....I knew.  He never turns his back and he will always be there.  Just remember answers to prayers come in 3 ways....absolutely, not yet, and I have a better idea.  God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

He Provides!

So life kicks us whenever we are up,down, and sideways. It has been a roller coaster over the last couple weeks.  I haven't posted in a while, so here goes... After our wonderful thanksgivings...because I know we all cooked these crazy huge dinners and had tons of company on top of all the day to day things we deal with.  What has become CLEAR to me this week is that God provides... health, wealth, love, and peace.  Feeling sick, specific.  Having financial specific. specific. specific.  See a pattern?  I have you?  God brings death and God brings life, brings down to the grave and raises up. God brings poverty and God brings wealth; he lowers, he also lifts up. (1 Samuel 2:6) The Message  Busy indiviual...huh.  We may not always get the answers that we WANT to hear but the answers are always there!   Challenge to my peeps...accept the answers to your prayers...whether they be yes-absolutely, or I have a better idea!  I promise He has seen more than us:)  I love all you guys and believe in everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Make time for your faith...

From recent posts you know that my life is nothing if not exploding at the seams.  There is more to get done in 24  hours than anyone could even attempt.  Not complaining, however using this to pray for clarity, balance of faith, family, and life events.  The family has recently found a  church family and dove right in.  The girls are involved in every activity possible.  I joined a Bible study that has blessed me exponentially.  I have to commend the church, because everyone is so accepting of us and not to mention we are now brothers and sisters in the one and only God.  That being said I recently made a commitment to read the Bible in a year.....3 to 4 chapters a day.  How you do it is up to you! 12 chapters for 3 days, etc.  I said, God, God of heaven, the great and awesome God loyal to his covenant and faithful to those who love him and obey his commands, Look at me and listen to me. (Nehemiah 1:5 The Message)  My children have noticed that when I start to prepare for bed...I get comfy and open the good book.  I have also found that because I can sometimes allow my emotions and stress to cloud my blue sky, that it takes that time spent in the word to clear the storm!  My point today is that no matter how little time you have, sharing this time with our God is the backbone to success in our faith.  Be faithful to him and he WILL provide.  Bless you .

Friday, November 11, 2011


As "humans" I believe we use any opportunity presented to wallow in anxiety.  It may not be intentional, but it is definitely a fact that we are full of it.  Depending on your hat of the day...child of God, Wife, mother, friend, taxi, maid, chef, doctor(not the licensed kind of course...mommy style), need I go on.  Why wouldn't you worry, if not about how many heads you SHOULD have to get all your jobs done...isn't there supposed to be some YOU time in their somewhere.  If you are like probably needs to be a visit to the therapist!  God wants us to take care of ourselves, if we don't there will be alot of jobs left undone...or some person who is going to be taking your therapy session.  I love all you guys...when my kids and I pray in the mornings on the way to school we end with..."God please protect our family, friends, and our strangers."  STOP WORRYING!  I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4 Today Koen was playing with Thomas the train ( yes we have the whole set), he said "watch out comes the rock slide!" I asked, "is thomas scared?" Koen says, "nope he is praying!" It's never easy to turn things over to God! We lose our control..the Independence we worked hard for.  But if you hear nothing...hear it and your blessings will be ten fold.  Read a statement today that blessed me...God answers prayers with 1 of 3 answers... 1.yes 2.not yet 3.I have a better plan!  He is in control, let him be.  Commit to seek him first daily and ask "what shall I do for you today God?"  Wouldn't you have a smile on if you woke to that question everyday?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Borrowed Blessings

So what makes 1 different from 2..or 2 different from 3...or girls different from boys?  Ok so I'm not completely blonde..most of this is fake, but I'm talking about the borrowed blessings we get from the Lord! OUR CHILDREN!  The differences are amazing to me and I am not just talking about the obvious with personality, etc.  When Nick and I had Nevaeh, we felt like there wasn't a free moment for anything..then came Xylia..with 1 in school and baby at home now we definitely had NO time..then came Koen...can we say madness!  And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy lions; (Genesis 35:11)  So while pondering on this, it is obvious that God wants us (his children) to multiply, however we do that is left unsaid...pregnancy, adoption, foster care, or just plan CARE.  These blessings are handed to us at what seems like NOT always the best time.  There always seems to be a knot in the shoelace!  God has a plan.  This much I truly believe, the fact that we must overcome obstacles along the way, only makes us stronger.  I don't know about your blessings but mine bless me when I need it the most.  So I haven't really felt like myself this schedule isn't happening as it should.  Girls to school, walk at railway, home for chores, girls from school, evening activities,etc.  I haven't gotten to walk because of the colder weather, and being the cautious mommy I don't want to get Koen out in it.  As trivial as it sounds when your schedule is off whether it be for exercise, illness, or plain laziness it messes you up.  When I'm having one of those  off days...everything is falling apart, etc... there is nothing better than one of my (God's) children giving me a hug and kiss and saying "I love you mommy".  It melts my heart!  So I guess my point today is, when the small stuff is sweating you...and your mojo is defective...find one of those borrowed blessings and get a kiss!  Please hug your borrowed blessings today, let them know you and God Almighty love them and will cherish these moments forever.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What does the GOOD book mean to you?

So I was thinking today about what the Bible means to me..I know what it means to my children and what it should mean to me, but do I use it the way it should be used?  Is it the light for my path as I take this journey with God?  Do I read enough devotionals, scriptures, and share the precious words with others?  In the word, For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12(KJV)  What does this passage mean to you?  I believe it means that God's word is truth...constant... real....never to be questioned. 
NEW CHALLENGE...Think about how a child's eyes are blind to the bias of the world when it comes to the WORD.  So I challenge you to use blind eyes in the reading of the WORD, leave the world to the world! 
The other day I was rocking my son to sleep, he gets up and goes to get the Bible.  Coming back to our chair, he says "Mommy it's time to read the bible."  I said, "OK...what does it say?"  He starts, "Jesus loves my's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...come inside it's fun inside."  My son loves the Word and truly believes everything he loves is in it!  Blind faith of a child is how we should read the Bible.  Good luck, God Bless, and happy blind reading!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This challenge was given to me and I give to you....

So Monday night at my bible study I was given the challenge to find out how Romans 8:28 applies to me...Cathy.  Well it's taken me this long to decide how it does...or to pick one.  I am, as I believe "only human" full of flaws, sins and lots of mistakes.  Thank goodness I have a Father who doesn't mind.  For those of you who do not know and maybe don't have your bible nearby..."And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to the purpose." Romans 8:28 (KJV) In the last 3 years because we had to relocate, the house that we (Nick and I) built, picked out everything down to the nails is for sale.  Needless to say it is still for sale.  For the first year, I worried myself to panic mode!  As I do alot of my burdens, I realized that I needed the extra shoulder of God for this one.  Turning it over to him I have felt peace with situation although it really hasn't changed...I still have a house in TN, way more than I can afford since I am now a stay-at-home mom, and can't do ALL the things for my family I used to!  However, all this tells me is that I was meant to share my story and let others see me act and react as a christian mother should.  I know we all have our situations...I would love to give you a chance to share...(sharing) should not be a burden but a blessing.  We HAVE been called to his purpose!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Does your commitment have balance or a hula-hoop effect?

My commitment is the one thing I have always thought I would eventually find a balance to.  I have been wrong up to this very second that I am typing this...In a previous bible study we discussed our lives with hula-hoops as our obstacles! I knew during the study that, yes I had lots of hula-hoops...but I THOUGHT I was balancing them well. Today, not that it is different than any other day, but today I find myself overwhelmed with WHERE my commitment is supposed to find balance and realizing all my hula-hoops are possibly on the floor.  In scripture "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33.  As easy as this might sound, I can assure you it most certainly is not.  So what are your obstacles? Mother, Wife, Employee, Volunteer, Christian.......this could go on for days...I don't have that long.  What choice do you make between your job and commitments to your church family...your sick child and your job? These all great questions put me in the position of NOT knowing where my commitment is.  I am challenging myself to further feed my walk with God by reading 2 scriptures a day.  Sounds trivial but as you read seek first HIM and everything else will come!  You are welcome to join me in this and I would love to hear about your experiences.....By the way for those of you that took the spouse challenge, either it went great and you are stingy or it failed and you don't want to embarrass your spouse anymore....Thanks for listening today...I hope that you can "shake-it" enough to keep those hula-hoops balanced on those wonderful hips! God Bless you...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

If color was a feeling...what would yours be?

So most know my situation over the last few years.  Let's just say it's not been the easiest and not been a motivation to hold onto my faith.  Over the last couple years.. my husband was transferred to another state leaving me with the three children and a "more" than full-time middle child began having some medical issues...we spent the entire time wondering how our financial status would ever I said not the most positive enviroment.  We continued to pray, eventhough in our situation we didn't SEE God.  I tried to remember that God works on HIS time not mine and that like most issuses in my life, when his love shows up it was good for his glory and even better for my faith.  So needless to say when a wonderful friend sent me an email today with this verse and story I couldn't wait to share!  By the way I feel "silver" today.
Malachi 3:3  He will sit as a refiner and purifer of silver.  This verse puzzled some women at bible study and they pondered on the statement.  One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver.  That week the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch his work.  She didn't mention anything abou the reason for her interest.  As she watched, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up.  He explained that refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.  She thought of how God holds us in such a "hot spot", and remembered the verse, He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.  She questioned the silversmith, " is it true that he has to sit in front of the fire the whole time"?  He answered, "Yes, not only do I have to sit here holding the silver, I have to keep my eyes on the silver the entire time it is in the fire.  If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed."  She askes, "How do you know when the silver is refined?"  He smiled and answered, " that's easy, when I see my image in it."  So TODAY if you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember God has his eye on you and will continue until he sees his image in you!  Over the last two years I was held in the fire and refined...I am now a refined piece of silver with the image of God!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

He blessed me through marriage.....

So I have known for a very long time that I was blessed through marriage, however I am not sure that I have believed it all along...  My husband and I met in college.  I was young and ready for anything, I wasn't always the easiest or nicest person.  He was ummmm, how do you say full of himself nicely... well after 13 yrs of being together and 11 yrs of marriage, I know that God is an amazing "match maker" because he gave me the only partner that could possibly complete me.  As every marriage does we have had lots of ups and downs, but through it all we support each other and are true partners.  Alot of people believe that there is one person "soul mate" for everyone.  I believe that there is one "partner" for everyone.  Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33  My husband supports me when I am right, wrong, or confused!  Not sure if that means he is smart or not so smart.  Point being he supports me!  I pray that God instills the same support in me for all of his decisions!  Marriage can be comical, fun, and exciting if we let it.  On the flip side of can be sad, boring, and a battle if we let it.  My challenge is to all the wives...for the next 24 hours no matter what is going on in your marriage, DO NOT say one "negative" word towards your spouse!  Good luck and leave me some posts of challenges and/ or success! I pray for ALL today. May God Bless You:)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Renewal of personal strength....

So as I left my bible study last night, I was blessed.  Well, convicted.  That room is filled with the most wonderful women and their support over the last couple months has been a blessing on it's own.  Last night after I left, our group remained on my mind for hours! As I was browsing through the next week lesson I decided I had SO much to say and share I thought the "blog" idea was best.  I know I have NO time, but this is comforting to me and is ME time.  So here goes.....With all discussion I think we all realized we needed to pray for individual strength this week!  The enemy has beaten up all our friends and loved ones this week (he knows where we are weak because we can't hide it ourselves). This verse was on my mind when I woke this morning and I felt it was time to share.  You are wearied in the length of your way; yet you did not say "there is no hope".  You have found the life of your hand; therefore you were not grieved. Isaiah 57:10(NIV)  So although I, you, others feel overwhelmed, let-down, beaten, we "in our hearts of all hearts" know that we are covered!  I believe God is telling us that we control the destiny of our thoughts...the enemy can only interfere if we provide him a window.  Let this bless your day and remember you control your faith....may it be strong!

Monday, October 10, 2011

First words to share.

So I decided on the title of this blog because of the steps it has brought me thru during my life so far.  There are days when I question my sanity, ability, and strength to complete my personal to do list.  This verse has held dear to me for so long.  My best friend and I shared this verse with each other years ago and I believe without a doubt that it was sent to us straight from God.  When I felt down or out I could always look back at the notes she left around for me and remember this verse.  Smile there is always a time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)  I wanted to start this to share ideas and happenings in my life, to help you is proven that if you smile more you WILL live longer than anticipated.  Until tomorrow smile, pray, and share!