Friday, November 11, 2011


As "humans" I believe we use any opportunity presented to wallow in anxiety.  It may not be intentional, but it is definitely a fact that we are full of it.  Depending on your hat of the day...child of God, Wife, mother, friend, taxi, maid, chef, doctor(not the licensed kind of course...mommy style), need I go on.  Why wouldn't you worry, if not about how many heads you SHOULD have to get all your jobs done...isn't there supposed to be some YOU time in their somewhere.  If you are like probably needs to be a visit to the therapist!  God wants us to take care of ourselves, if we don't there will be alot of jobs left undone...or some person who is going to be taking your therapy session.  I love all you guys...when my kids and I pray in the mornings on the way to school we end with..."God please protect our family, friends, and our strangers."  STOP WORRYING!  I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4 Today Koen was playing with Thomas the train ( yes we have the whole set), he said "watch out comes the rock slide!" I asked, "is thomas scared?" Koen says, "nope he is praying!" It's never easy to turn things over to God! We lose our control..the Independence we worked hard for.  But if you hear nothing...hear it and your blessings will be ten fold.  Read a statement today that blessed me...God answers prayers with 1 of 3 answers... 1.yes 2.not yet 3.I have a better plan!  He is in control, let him be.  Commit to seek him first daily and ask "what shall I do for you today God?"  Wouldn't you have a smile on if you woke to that question everyday?

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