Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Borrowed Blessings

So what makes 1 different from 2..or 2 different from 3...or girls different from boys?  Ok so I'm not completely blonde..most of this is fake, but I'm talking about the borrowed blessings we get from the Lord! OUR CHILDREN!  The differences are amazing to me and I am not just talking about the obvious with personality, etc.  When Nick and I had Nevaeh, we felt like there wasn't a free moment for anything..then came Xylia..with 1 in school and baby at home now we definitely had NO time..then came Koen...can we say madness!  And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy lions; (Genesis 35:11)  So while pondering on this, it is obvious that God wants us (his children) to multiply, however we do that is left unsaid...pregnancy, adoption, foster care, or just plan CARE.  These blessings are handed to us at what seems like NOT always the best time.  There always seems to be a knot in the shoelace!  God has a plan.  This much I truly believe, the fact that we must overcome obstacles along the way, only makes us stronger.  I don't know about your blessings but mine bless me when I need it the most.  So I haven't really felt like myself this schedule isn't happening as it should.  Girls to school, walk at railway, home for chores, girls from school, evening activities,etc.  I haven't gotten to walk because of the colder weather, and being the cautious mommy I don't want to get Koen out in it.  As trivial as it sounds when your schedule is off whether it be for exercise, illness, or plain laziness it messes you up.  When I'm having one of those  off days...everything is falling apart, etc... there is nothing better than one of my (God's) children giving me a hug and kiss and saying "I love you mommy".  It melts my heart!  So I guess my point today is, when the small stuff is sweating you...and your mojo is defective...find one of those borrowed blessings and get a kiss!  Please hug your borrowed blessings today, let them know you and God Almighty love them and will cherish these moments forever.

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