Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Make time for your faith...

From recent posts you know that my life is nothing if not exploding at the seams.  There is more to get done in 24  hours than anyone could even attempt.  Not complaining, however using this to pray for clarity, balance of faith, family, and life events.  The family has recently found a  church family and dove right in.  The girls are involved in every activity possible.  I joined a Bible study that has blessed me exponentially.  I have to commend the church, because everyone is so accepting of us and not to mention we are now brothers and sisters in the one and only God.  That being said I recently made a commitment to read the Bible in a year.....3 to 4 chapters a day.  How you do it is up to you! 12 chapters for 3 days, etc.  I said, God, God of heaven, the great and awesome God loyal to his covenant and faithful to those who love him and obey his commands, Look at me and listen to me. (Nehemiah 1:5 The Message)  My children have noticed that when I start to prepare for bed...I get comfy and open the good book.  I have also found that because I can sometimes allow my emotions and stress to cloud my blue sky, that it takes that time spent in the word to clear the storm!  My point today is that no matter how little time you have, sharing this time with our God is the backbone to success in our faith.  Be faithful to him and he WILL provide.  Bless you .

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