Saturday, December 24, 2011

Are you ready?

The season is upon us....ARE YOU READY?  This question pops in my mind daily and to be honest...I am not. Just look I haven't left a blog in aaaahhhhh almost a month.  Letting all the "stuff" consume me.  I along with so many forget what this season is supposed to be about.  We just got through Thanksgiving...I don't think that I could ever think God for what he has given me.  Am I truly ready...ready to see the maker...the one who has ensured that I WILL have a worry free life ahead! Let's remember 1 Peter 3:22  Who is gone into heaven; and is on the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. KJV  /Jesus has the last word on everything and everyone, from angels to armies. Message.  So here it is I listed both because no matter how you means the same.  God has blessed me with an amazing husband, 3 amazing children, fantastic family, and wonderful friends.  Life isn't perfect and it NEVER will be...the quicker you get that, the better off you will be.  There is only 1 step you need to take...ACCEPT HIM INTO YOUR LIFE.  In the summer of 2002, I accepted Jesus as my savior.  I was raised to believe and although I wasn't in church every time the door was open....I knew.  He never turns his back and he will always be there.  Just remember answers to prayers come in 3 ways....absolutely, not yet, and I have a better idea.  God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas!

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