Wednesday, October 12, 2011

He blessed me through marriage.....

So I have known for a very long time that I was blessed through marriage, however I am not sure that I have believed it all along...  My husband and I met in college.  I was young and ready for anything, I wasn't always the easiest or nicest person.  He was ummmm, how do you say full of himself nicely... well after 13 yrs of being together and 11 yrs of marriage, I know that God is an amazing "match maker" because he gave me the only partner that could possibly complete me.  As every marriage does we have had lots of ups and downs, but through it all we support each other and are true partners.  Alot of people believe that there is one person "soul mate" for everyone.  I believe that there is one "partner" for everyone.  Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33  My husband supports me when I am right, wrong, or confused!  Not sure if that means he is smart or not so smart.  Point being he supports me!  I pray that God instills the same support in me for all of his decisions!  Marriage can be comical, fun, and exciting if we let it.  On the flip side of can be sad, boring, and a battle if we let it.  My challenge is to all the wives...for the next 24 hours no matter what is going on in your marriage, DO NOT say one "negative" word towards your spouse!  Good luck and leave me some posts of challenges and/ or success! I pray for ALL today. May God Bless You:)

1 comment:

  1. This is a challenge that I will complete. I have really enjoyed your blog. Keep the challenges coming. Love ya
