Sunday, October 16, 2011

Does your commitment have balance or a hula-hoop effect?

My commitment is the one thing I have always thought I would eventually find a balance to.  I have been wrong up to this very second that I am typing this...In a previous bible study we discussed our lives with hula-hoops as our obstacles! I knew during the study that, yes I had lots of hula-hoops...but I THOUGHT I was balancing them well. Today, not that it is different than any other day, but today I find myself overwhelmed with WHERE my commitment is supposed to find balance and realizing all my hula-hoops are possibly on the floor.  In scripture "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33.  As easy as this might sound, I can assure you it most certainly is not.  So what are your obstacles? Mother, Wife, Employee, Volunteer, Christian.......this could go on for days...I don't have that long.  What choice do you make between your job and commitments to your church family...your sick child and your job? These all great questions put me in the position of NOT knowing where my commitment is.  I am challenging myself to further feed my walk with God by reading 2 scriptures a day.  Sounds trivial but as you read seek first HIM and everything else will come!  You are welcome to join me in this and I would love to hear about your experiences.....By the way for those of you that took the spouse challenge, either it went great and you are stingy or it failed and you don't want to embarrass your spouse anymore....Thanks for listening today...I hope that you can "shake-it" enough to keep those hula-hoops balanced on those wonderful hips! God Bless you...

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