Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This challenge was given to me and I give to you....

So Monday night at my bible study I was given the challenge to find out how Romans 8:28 applies to me...Cathy.  Well it's taken me this long to decide how it does...or to pick one.  I am, as I believe "only human" full of flaws, sins and lots of mistakes.  Thank goodness I have a Father who doesn't mind.  For those of you who do not know and maybe don't have your bible nearby..."And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to the purpose." Romans 8:28 (KJV) In the last 3 years because we had to relocate, the house that we (Nick and I) built, picked out everything down to the nails is for sale.  Needless to say it is still for sale.  For the first year, I worried myself to panic mode!  As I do alot of my burdens, I realized that I needed the extra shoulder of God for this one.  Turning it over to him I have felt peace with situation although it really hasn't changed...I still have a house in TN, way more than I can afford since I am now a stay-at-home mom, and can't do ALL the things for my family I used to!  However, all this tells me is that I was meant to share my story and let others see me act and react as a christian mother should.  I know we all have our situations...I would love to give you a chance to share...(sharing) should not be a burden but a blessing.  We HAVE been called to his purpose!

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