Wednesday, May 30, 2012

   She was a very unexpected blessing into our very new marriage.  
                                                     She distorted my "young" minds image of beautiful and my "young" idea of love and what it entails.  
She inserted a clarity of appreciation I have for my husband and everything he does for me and our children.  She is the most courageous and outgoing child!  It is to little to say she NEVER meets a stranger ( and it makes me very nervous).  
From stealing daddy's heart....
Daddy ans Nevaeh...Learning early:))

To being a great sister.....minus the bickering:)))
Nevaeh graduated 4th grade today....she has blossomed so much over these amazing 10 years. 
                                             I am so blessed to have her as my daughter.  
Nevaeh has an unconditional love and faith for God and shares that with all who will listen.  
Coming from a child....she opens my spiritually all the time.  
                     Don't get me wrong....she is still a child so we have our unruly moments.  
           I will NEVER doubt that she knows her God and HIS expectation for her and her life.  

This passage is SOOOOO NEVAEH!

God says.......
I'm unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love me and keep my commandments.Exodus 20:5 Message

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