Friday, April 6, 2012

Being matter the blessing...

Blessings in disguise...
Remembering that there is a reason for all... 
Can be very hard.  
     So this Easter weekend I want to focus on my gratitude for the good, bad, and the ugly.  There have been multiple points in my life that I wasn't sure if God was playing a joke on me or if I just had terrible luck. 
     The one instance that gives me the most "warm fuzzies" is when I accepted Jesus into my life, how , and when it happened.  
     There are a thousand stories just like mine, so I will just get started.  When I was younger I attended church regularly and when I felt the spirit I followed and said what I was told.  
     Years later, Nick and I had been married a little over a year and Nevaeh was a couple months old we were attending a wonderful church that God obviously had both hands on.  
     One night while we were on the couch ( all of us) watching tv, we decided to pray together and My Wonderful Husband helped me ask God into my life again.  God gave me Nick to bring me back to Him, I believe that with all my heart and soul. Since then obstacles...oh the obstacles we have had, but through prayer our family is strong and functioning. From my devotion today....May I never lose hope, knowing you truly can do anything.  Through the good, bad, and the ugly, I wish you all a Happy Easter .

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