Wednesday, May 30, 2012

   She was a very unexpected blessing into our very new marriage.  
                                                     She distorted my "young" minds image of beautiful and my "young" idea of love and what it entails.  
She inserted a clarity of appreciation I have for my husband and everything he does for me and our children.  She is the most courageous and outgoing child!  It is to little to say she NEVER meets a stranger ( and it makes me very nervous).  
From stealing daddy's heart....
Daddy ans Nevaeh...Learning early:))

To being a great sister.....minus the bickering:)))
Nevaeh graduated 4th grade today....she has blossomed so much over these amazing 10 years. 
                                             I am so blessed to have her as my daughter.  
Nevaeh has an unconditional love and faith for God and shares that with all who will listen.  
Coming from a child....she opens my spiritually all the time.  
                     Don't get me wrong....she is still a child so we have our unruly moments.  
           I will NEVER doubt that she knows her God and HIS expectation for her and her life.  

This passage is SOOOOO NEVAEH!

God says.......
I'm unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love me and keep my commandments.Exodus 20:5 Message

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How do you show your FAITH?

Do you show faith like a child....or your children.....

 1 -4 Your love, God, is my song, and I'll sing it! I'm forever telling everyone how faithful you are.
   I'll never quit telling the story of your love—
      how you built the cosmos
      and guaranteed everything in it.
   Your love has always been our lives' foundation,
      your fidelity has been the roof over our world.
   You once said, "I joined forces with my chosen leader,
      I pledged my word to my servant, David, saying,
   'Everyone descending from you is guaranteed life;
      I'll make your rule as solid and lasting as rock.'" Psalm 89:2 The Message

I question this for a number of reasons.......
     Our children have so much in parents.... adults.....even strangers....

It makes me nervous to even consider the world today and how many UN-trustworthy people there are.

On a daily basis I am amazed at what God KNOWS I am capable of....only to realize my children have the same opinion.(I say opinion in their case... because alot of times it includes jobs they were supposed to do)

     Becoming a true servant of God and his Word is the hardest job in the universe!  I know there will be speed bumps but that is my goal.  My prayer for all of us today is that God grants us a momentary blinder (seeing through a child's eyes) so that we may see His world and His people in true BEAUTY.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Being matter the blessing...

Blessings in disguise...
Remembering that there is a reason for all... 
Can be very hard.  
     So this Easter weekend I want to focus on my gratitude for the good, bad, and the ugly.  There have been multiple points in my life that I wasn't sure if God was playing a joke on me or if I just had terrible luck. 
     The one instance that gives me the most "warm fuzzies" is when I accepted Jesus into my life, how , and when it happened.  
     There are a thousand stories just like mine, so I will just get started.  When I was younger I attended church regularly and when I felt the spirit I followed and said what I was told.  
     Years later, Nick and I had been married a little over a year and Nevaeh was a couple months old we were attending a wonderful church that God obviously had both hands on.  
     One night while we were on the couch ( all of us) watching tv, we decided to pray together and My Wonderful Husband helped me ask God into my life again.  God gave me Nick to bring me back to Him, I believe that with all my heart and soul. Since then obstacles...oh the obstacles we have had, but through prayer our family is strong and functioning. From my devotion today....May I never lose hope, knowing you truly can do anything.  Through the good, bad, and the ugly, I wish you all a Happy Easter .

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Share your mommy moments with me....a funny for you, or something one of our little angels has done:)

You might be a mommy if..........

Hey guys...hope everyone is doing well! I really have lost track of time, as you can see it has been a while since I last posted.  I am going try to get better (notice I said try).  So not that I never realized it but a mommy's job is never done!  I always think of myself, my mom, mommy's, but what about all the others.  You friends, neighbors, and colleagues?   So here was my "mommy moment" ....Have you ever gotten out of the shower....drying off.....putting on your lotion....only to  were so tired this morning you forgot to shave the other leg!  Yep! really did that. The verse that has always been in my heart is the title in this blog. There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: A time for birth and another for death, A time to plant and another to reap, A time to kill and another to heal, A time to destroy and another to construct, A time to cry and another to laugh, A time to lament and another to cheer, A time to make love another to abstain, A time embrace and another to part, A time search and another to count your losses, A time to hold on and another to let go, A time rip out and another to mend, A time to shut up and another to speak, A time to love and a another to hate, A time to wage war and  another to make peace. ( Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Message)     Ladies, even though we wear so many hats throughout the day....take some time--slow down....relax and enjoy the fact that you are loved unconditionally by our one and only Savior! Even with one hairy leg and one slick shaven one.....;)

Friday, February 10, 2012

He will not leave us!

I don't think we realize the trials and tribulations that we face daily, or hourly.  I mean yes....we are overwhelmed with the million things that we "feel" has to be done before we can sleep a wink. The fact remains that the most important job is consistently left undone.  Accept and share the Word.  We are the first to thank Him when we "think" He has answered our prayer.....we are also the first to question when we "think" a prayer has gone unanswered!  How do you truly live by Faith...stand on the Word alone?  I have always believed and I know His expectations of me to be saved.  I feel it gets foggy for a lot on the slope of dedication.  Believe and follow when it is beneficial to you.  "I will not leave you orphaned. I'm coming back." (John 14...The Message)  As humans...we are selfish bunch, however as parents we want to give our children anything they want (within reason).  Believe it or not we wouldn't even have the chance to be dedicated to our children if it weren't for God.  Our challenge is to wake for Him. Do you accept the challenge?    

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Wow, is all I can say.
So to share "openly" I have been letting the devil intervene in my life.  I haven't kept up with my devotions, gone to church  the way I should, or been showing my family God in me.  Yep so that's honesty at it's best!

So I have been extremely depressed about "my looks".  I need to lose weight....get in shape. I am a very self-conscious being!   Even though I have been exercising regularly and watching what I doesn't seem to be working.  So rather than find God on all this, I choose to clam up and let the devil in.  Well last night "my husband" (trying to comfort) says you know maybe you should get a pregnancy test.....(insert cricket sound)...REALLY did he just say that.....yes he did.
Although this statement could have made me feel tons worse...I used it as a vision that I had to get back to what was important! Living for God and his use for me. Those that know me well, know that I had my tubes cut and tied after our 3rd child.  Knowing however that this was my wake up call., I got up early and started chapter was Genesis 21.....And the Lord visited Sarah as he said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.  OMG.....Right.  Our God is awesome.  He provided me with these events so that I could be drawn back to his word.