Friday, February 10, 2012

He will not leave us!

I don't think we realize the trials and tribulations that we face daily, or hourly.  I mean yes....we are overwhelmed with the million things that we "feel" has to be done before we can sleep a wink. The fact remains that the most important job is consistently left undone.  Accept and share the Word.  We are the first to thank Him when we "think" He has answered our prayer.....we are also the first to question when we "think" a prayer has gone unanswered!  How do you truly live by Faith...stand on the Word alone?  I have always believed and I know His expectations of me to be saved.  I feel it gets foggy for a lot on the slope of dedication.  Believe and follow when it is beneficial to you.  "I will not leave you orphaned. I'm coming back." (John 14...The Message)  As humans...we are selfish bunch, however as parents we want to give our children anything they want (within reason).  Believe it or not we wouldn't even have the chance to be dedicated to our children if it weren't for God.  Our challenge is to wake for Him. Do you accept the challenge?