Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Wow, is all I can say.
So to share "openly" I have been letting the devil intervene in my life.  I haven't kept up with my devotions, gone to church  the way I should, or been showing my family God in me.  Yep so that's honesty at it's best!

So I have been extremely depressed about "my looks".  I need to lose weight....get in shape. I am a very self-conscious being!   Even though I have been exercising regularly and watching what I eat....it doesn't seem to be working.  So rather than find God on all this, I choose to clam up and let the devil in.  Well last night "my husband" (trying to comfort) says you know maybe you should get a pregnancy test.....(insert cricket sound)...REALLY did he just say that.....yes he did.
Although this statement could have made me feel tons worse...I used it as a vision that I had to get back to what was important! Living for God and his use for me. Those that know me well, know that I had my tubes cut and tied after our 3rd child.  Knowing however that this was my wake up call., I got up early and started reading...my chapter was Genesis 21.....And the Lord visited Sarah as he said and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.  OMG.....Right.  Our God is awesome.  He provided me with these events so that I could be drawn back to his word.